
Run an FQL query.


fauna eval [DBNAME] [QUERY] [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment <value>] [--stdin] [--output <value>] [--format json|json-tagged|shell] [--version 4|10] [--typecheck]


The eval command runs the QUERY against the optional DBNAME database.

The query is executed in the database. If you include a DBNAME, it must be the first argument.

The QUERY can be read from STDIN, a file, or the command line, and query results can be output to STDOUT or a file. You can also define the output format.

If you omit command line options, Fauna uses the configuration file options.

If the query returns an error, fauna-shell exits with a non-zero exit code.

You can’t use this command to execute a query in a parent or peer database. To access a database outside of the current database, log in to the Fauna Dashboard.


Argument Description


Name of the database the query should be run against.


Query you want to run.


Option Description


Connection endpoint, from the ~/.fauna-shell file.


Environment to use, from a Fauna project.


Name of file with queries to run.


Output format:


Help for run-queries command.


File to write output to.


Secret key. Overrides the secret in the ~/.fauna-shell file.


Read file input from stdin. Write to stdout by default.


Connection timeout (milliseconds).


Enable typechecking.


Database URL. Overrides the URL in the \~/.fauna-shell file.


FQL Version:
     4 = FQL version 4
     10 = (default) FQL version 10


The following examples illustrate the many ways to use the eval command.

QUERY argument

fauna eval "Collection.all()"
  data: [
      name: "People",
      coll: Collection,
      ts: Time("2023-08-23T00:26:16.680Z"),
      indexes: {
        byEmail: {
          terms: [
              field: "email"
          queryable: true,
          status: "complete"
      constraints: [
          unique: [
          status: "active"

QUERY file

The query in the file is identical to the previous example:

fauna eval --file=./query.fql

STDIN query

echo "Collection.all()" | fauna eval --stdin

Database query

fauna eval my-test-db "Collection.all()"

If the database doesn’t exist, a query of this type returns an error:

fauna eval nonexistdb "Collection.all()"

Output to a file

fauna eval Collection.all() --output=./output.json

Format the output in Fauna Shell format:

fauna eval Collection.all() --format=shell --output=./output.json

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