
Delete a database key.


fauna delete-key KEYNAME [--url <value>] [--timeout <value>] [--secret <value>] [--endpoint <value>] [--environment <value>]


The delete-key command deletes a key.

If command line options are omitted, Fauna uses the default configuration file options.


Argument Description


Name of the key to delete.


Option Description


Connection endpoint, from the ~/.fauna-shell file.


Environment to use, from a Fauna project.


Help for create-database command.


Secret key. Overrides the secret in the ~/.fauna-shell file.


Connection timeout (milliseconds).


Database URL. Overrides the URL in the \~/.fauna-shell file.


There are already four keys for this example:

fauna list-keys
listing keys
Key ID               Database             Role
259718958404338186   app1                 server
259719743570706945   app1                 client
265528117038154259   my-test-db           admin
265437820880945683   my-test-db           admin

Now, delete the first key in the list:

fauna delete-key 259718958404338186
deleting key 259718958404338186
key 259718958404338186 deleted

When you list the keys again, you see that the key you deleted is now gone:

fauna list-keys
listing keys
Key ID               Database             Role
259719743570706945   app1                 client
265528117038154259   my-test-db           admin
265437820880945683   my-test-db           admin

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