Update documents

This tutorial shows how to update select document fields and how to replace the whole document. The tutorial’s examples use Fauna’s demo data.

Fetch a document

Each document has an immutable id that’s unique within its collection. You can specify an id when you create a document. If you don’t specify an id, Fauna auto-generates one.

The following query creates a document with a specific id in the Product collection:

// Create a document with a specific `id`
  id: "392886847463751746",
  name: "limes",
  description: "Organic, 1 ct",
  price: 0.65

Use byId() to get the document you created using its id:


For simplicity, other examples in this tutorial also use byId() to fetch the document you created.

Null documents

If you pass an invalid id or can’t access the document, byId() returns a NullDoc that looks like this:

Product("12345...") /* not found */

Update a field in a document

Use update() to update an existing field value in a document:

// Update the "description" value
    description: "Organic, 2 ct"

Add a field to a document

You can also use update() to add a new field to a document:

// Add the "quantity" field
    quantity: 300

Remove a field from a document

To remove a field, set the field value to null:

// Remove the "price" field
    price: null

Update fields in select documents

Use forEach() to iterate through a set of documents and perform writes:

// Get products named "limes"
let products = Product.byName("limes")

// Update each product's `name` to "key limes"
products.forEach((product) => product.updateData({
  name: "key limes"

// Get all products named "key limes"
Product.byName("key limes") { name, description }

Replace whole document contents

Use replace() to replace an entire document. Any fields not included in the replacement data are removed.

// Replaces a document
    name: "limes",
    description: "Organic, 1 ct",
    price: 0.65

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